The subdomain is part of the main domain in the Domain Name System. For example, ‘’ is a subdomain for the ‘‘ main domain. You can create a forum, blog, or shopping website by creating a subdomain. Buy popular hosting and make a lot of subdomains. I’ve just bought Hostgator the most popular web hosting. Today we will see that ‘How to Create Subdomain In cPanel’
Follow Steps To Create Subdomain In cPanel:
Now you have to log in to cPanel to create a subdomain. Enter cPanel username and password and log in.

Now let us open the Subdomain menu in this option of the Domain.

Now the time was to create a subdomain. In the subdomain, type the subdomain’s name in this tab and select the main domain in the Domain tab. Now, in the document root, the directory will automatically create a name. ‘root directory’ means ‘public_html’ directory, you can change this root. I will just keep the default document root. The subdomain will be ready by clicking on the create button.

Now you can see in the following snapshot: Your subdomain is successfully created.

Now your subdomain can see in the following snapshot. If you want to make some changes again from the ‘Modify a Subdomain‘ option.

Now you need to install WordPress for the subdomain. The last article is seen in ‘Step by Step WordPress Installation On cPanel‘. If you are using a Cloudflare SSL certificate, add a subdomain to the DNS record.
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