In this article, we are going to have look at the Top Hacking Apps for Android – Free Hacking APKs For 2022. Android has an application for everything. It’s reality’s most famous operating system, and its userbase comprises of numerous moral hacking aficionados. This has likewise propelled various engineers to make valuable moral hacking applications for Android.

Assuming that you are a network administrator, proficient pen tester, or somebody who is trying to be a white hat hacker, you ought to learn fundamental and extensive examining/testing on Android gadgets to accumulate data and find vulnerabilities.
In this rundown of best hacking applications, you will observe various hacking tools that can be utilized to recognize nearby has and frail signs alongside their endeavors. You can without much of a stretch break WiFi passwordsinstall a backdoor, snip traffic, and map networks.
This multitude of hacks can help ethical hackers or IT experts to scan their domains or networks for malicious vulnerabilities.
It’s reality’s most famous operating system, and its userbase comprises of numerous ethicalhacking aficionados. This has additionally motivated various designers to make valuable ethical hacking applications for Android.
Top Hacking Apps for Android – Free Hacking APKs For 2022:
1) Kali Linux NetHunter App
The Kali NetHunter project is the first Open-source Android penetration testing platform for Android devices, allowing for access to the Kali toolset from various supported Android devices. There are multiple unique features not possible on other hardware platforms.
The Kali NetHunter interface allows you to easily work with complex configuration files through a local web interface. This feature, together with a custom kernel that supports 802.11 wireless injection and preconfigured connect back VPN services, make the Kali NetHunter a formidable network security tool or discrete drop box – with Kali Linux at the tip of your fingers wherever you are.
Features of Kali Linux NetHunter App:
- Wireless 802.11 frame injection and AP mode
- Full toolset from Kali Linux
- NetHunter Lite version installable on all Android smartphones
- Offers AP mode support and multiple supported USB wifi cards
- Performs USB HID Keyboard attacks
- Supports BadUSD MITM attacks
- USB Y-cable support with device charging ability
Download APK link to here — Kali Linux NetHunter
2) Hackode App
The hacker’s Toolbox is an application for penetration tester, Ethical hackers, IT administrator and Cyber security professional to perform different tasks like reconnaissance, scanning performing exploits etc.
The hacker’s Toolbox is an application for penetration tester, Ethical hackers, IT administrator and Cyber security professional to perform different tasks like reconnaissance, scanning performing exploits etc.
Features of Hackode App:
- Offer information hacking tools like Google hacking, PhpMyAdmin, PhpConfig, MySQL Server and SQL Injection.
- Allows to lookup information in domain names and IPs.
- Offers tools for scanning target devices like ping, traceroute, DNS Dig, etc.
- Shows the latest security news.
- Whois Scanning, DNS lookup, IP, MX Records, DNS Dif, Security RSS Feed, Exploits.
Download APK link to here — Hackode App
3) Fing – Network Tools
Fing is the first Network Scanner discovers all the devices connected to your WiFi and identifies them, with our patented technology used also by router manufacturers and antivirus companies worldwide.
Hackers and security professionals use this popular network scanner app for Android to discover which devices are connected to the internet, map devices, locate security risks, find intruders, solve network problems, etc. It comes with more than a dozen free network tools to make your job easier.
Features of Fing – Network Tools:
- Full Wi-Fi speed (upload and download) and user analysis
- Catch users stealing Wi-Fi and recognizing devices’ IP address, model, vendor, etc.
Download APK link to here — Fing – Network Tools
4) zANT Mobile Penetration Testing Toolkit
zANTI is a mobile penetration testing toolkit that lets security managers assess the risk level of a network with the push of a button. This easy to use mobile toolkit enables IT Security Administrators to simulate an advanced attacker to identify the malicious techniques they use in the wild to compromise the corporate network.
Conduct network scans, in different intensity levels in order to identify connected devices, their properties and their vulnerabilities.
Enable Security Officers to easily evaluate an organization’s network and automatically diagnose vulnerabilities within mobile devices or web sites using a host of penetration tests including, man-in-the-Middle (MITM), password cracking and metasploit.
Highlight security gaps in your existing network and mobile defenses and report the results with advanced cloud-based reporting through zConsoleTM. zANTITM mirrors the methods a cyber-attacker can use to identify security holes within your network. Dash-board reporting enables businesses to see the risks and take appropriate corrective actions to fix critical security issues.
Features of zANT
- Network scans at different intensity level
- Get the target device’s detailed information
- Check your weak spots and simulate attack patterns
- Test various attacks and in-depth test methods
- Study and analyze results
- Diagnose flaws using tests like MITM, Metasploit, password guessing
Download APK link to here — zANT Toolkit
5) Droidsheep
DroidSheep is an open-source Android application made by Corsin Camichel that allows you to intercept unprotected web-browser sessions using WiFi. DroidSheep APK is a software developed only for testing security vulnerabilities and it is not made for harming any person. It works on Android platform and in order to use DroidSheep you need to have your device rooted. DroidSheep is bundled as an APK file, but if you want the source code, you can get it from original author’s Github repo.
Features of DroidSheep
- Monitor social media activity
- Check various security networks
- Finds out weak links in the system
- Hack wifi messengers and various social media messages
- Works only with rooted devices
- Secretly read packets sent and received by smartphones
- One click session hijacking can’t get any easier
Download APK link to here — Droidsheep App
6) WPS Wi-Fi Checker Pro
The WPS protocol is a simple way to establish a connection between a device and a router by exchanging a PIN.
Instead of having to know the WEP, WPA or WPA2 key that can be long and complicated, with the WPS protocol we will only have to send the router a PIN, which is a numerical code with only 8 digits. When the router receives that PIN, if it is correct, it sends the device all the data it needs to connect to the network and by magic and without the need to know the key of the WIFI network, the device will connect.
Download APK link to here — WPS Wi-Fi Checker Pro App
7) AndroRAT
AndroRAT stands for Android and RAT (Remote Administrative Tools). This top free hacking tool was released a long time ago as a client/server application.
A team of 4 people developed AndroRat for a university project, and it’s great to see it becoming a popular Java-based application.
AndroRat gives you the flexibility to run the service just after boot and control the Android system remotely. One doesn’t need to interact with the phone — it can be triggered via an SMS or phone call.
Features of AndroRat:
- Works for Mac and Windows
- Hack personal messages
- Hack GPS location and Wi-fi password
- Record video and click snaps from target devices
- Monitor target device and upload files
- Data collection: contacts, call logs, location, messages
- Remotely monitor phone state, make a phone call, send texts, open URL, click pictures, etc.
Download APK link to here — AndroRAT
8) FaceNiff
FaceNiff is an Android app that allows you to sniff and intercept web session profiles over the WiFi that your mobile is connected to. It is possible to hijack sessions only when WiFi is not using EAP, but it should work over any private networks (Open/WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK) It’s kind of like Firesheep for android. Maybe a bit easier to use (and it works on WPA2!).
Features of FaceNiff:
- Supported services: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Blogger, etc.
- In-app purcha
- Works with rooted devices
- Penetrate any device connected to the wi-fi network
- Can access WEP, WPA, and WPA2 Wi-Fi networks
- Can penetrate protected networks
Download APK link to here — FaceNiff
9) Shark For Root
Shark for Root is an advanced tool for security experts and hackers. This tool works as a traffic snipper and works on Wi-Fi, 3G, and FroYo tethered mode.
One can also use the tcpdump command for this free hacking app for rooted Android devices. Just like FaceNiff, this tool also only works on rooted devices.
Features of Shark For Root:
- Analyzing traffic over a network
- Intercepting and reading data packets from different devices
Download APK link to here — Shark
10) Aispyer
Also known as the best spying app, Aispyer is quite popular amongst those who want to track messages and calls of their kids or partner. Aispyer has an extremely easy-to-use interface and the hacking app for Android offers several features such as tracking outgoing and incoming calls with timestamp and duration, spying on social media accounts, tracking web history, and media gallery.
Aispyer, with its exceptionally interesting monitoring tools, is one of the best Android hacking apps you can install. Below is the APK link to download the hacking app.
Download APK link to here — Aispyer
11) cSploit
cSploit is one of the more powerful hacking apps for Android. It’s a network tool that can do a bunch of stuff. It includes Metasploit framework out of the box and can do things like man-in-the-middle attacks, forge TCP and UDP packets, and other such things.
It’s mostly useful for checking out security vulnerabilities on networks. The app is quite powerful but also comes with some drawbacks. You need a rooted device to use this app.
Download APK link to here — cSploit
12) Wi-Fi Kill
Wi-Fi Kill is a great hacking tool for rooted Android devices. Wifikill apk is an app that can disable the internet connection of others connected to the same Wi-Fi network. So with Wifikill you can enjoy the full bandwidth of the internet connection by cutting off others.
Features of Wi-Fi Kill:
- Disable others on your network; choose who can stay
- Grab names of connected devices
Download APK link to here — Wi-Fi Kill
13) Nmap
One of the most popular network scanning apps for desktops can also be used on the Android operating system. Nmap works on both rooted and non rooted phones. On non rooted phones you will be limited to functions which are possible as non-root user (i.e. no OS fingerprinting, SYN scan, etc).
Features of Nmap:
- Port scanning, OS detection, host discovery
- Firewall evasion and spoofing
Download APK link to here — Nmap
14) mSpy
mSpy is a brand of mobile and computer parental control monitoring software for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS. The app allows users to monitor and log activity on the client device.
Features of mSpy App
- 25+ features with calls, SMS, GPS tracking, and others.
- Track WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook, and other messaging apps.
- Quick installation, user-friendly interface.
- 24/7 multi-language support.
- Compatible with all Android-based devices starting with OS 4+.
Download APK link to here — mSpy
15) Darktrace
The Darktrace Mobile App is a brand new way to experience the Darktrace Threat Visualizer and benefit from the unparalleled threat detection and visibility that Darktrace’s Enterprise Immune System offers, from wherever you are. With real-time threat notifications and the ability to activate Antigena’s autonomous responses, the Darktrace Mobile App allows you to stay connected with your Darktrace deployment at all times.
Darktrace is the world’s leading machine learning company for cyber security. Created by mathematicians, the Enterprise Immune System uses AI algorithms to automatically detect and take action against cyber-threats within all types of networks, including physical, cloud and virtualized networks, as well as IoT and industrial control systems. A self-configuring platform, Darktrace requires no prior set-up, identifying advanced threats in real time, including zero-days, insiders and stealthy, silent attackers.
Download APK link to here — Darktrace
16) PortDroid – Network Analysis Kit & Port Scanner
PortDroid is a Network Analysis Application that helps Network Administrators, Penetration Testers and Hackers with several useful networking tools including; Port Scanning, Identifying Devices on Local Network, Ping, Traceroute, Wake-On-Lan (WoL), DNS Lookup, Reverse IP Lookup and Whois Lookup, etc.
Port scanner – Scans and IP for open TCP ports, optionally it will use Banner Grabbing on with each port in order to gain more information or discover a web service. When a service is found on a port external applications will be offered to deal with certain protocols (ssh, telnet, http, https, ftp, smb etc.)
Download APK link to here — PortDroid
17) DroidBox
DroidBox can be used as both a device hacking app and a game hacking app for Android users.
Ethical hackers can use this hacking tool for Android to generate hashes for the analyzed device, intercept incoming/outgoing network data on the infected device, read files and write operations, and leak information via the network file.
The hacking tool also throws in added benefits such as permission to circumvention, launching cryptographic operations that are performed using Android API, listing broadcast receivers, sending SMS, and making phone calls.
Features of DroidBox App:
- Allows the user to access all details of a target device
- Give access to target’s app codes
- Hack phone calls and text messages
- Hack networks traffic
Download APK link to here — DroidBox
18) Sniffer Wicap Pro
Mobile sniffer for WiFi, LTE networks (packet capture) and, to be honest, one of the few good modern ones on the Play Store.
It has the capacity to sniff both WiFi and LTE networks and the UI is surprisingly clean for the amount of information it pulls down. It has some limitations, but it doesn’t require root access so anyone can use it. There is a free trial available and we highly recommend trying it out to make sure it works with your use case because the pro version is rather expensive.
Download APK link to here — Sniffer Wicap Pro
19) tPacketCapture
tPacketCapture does packet capturing without using any root permissions. tPacketCapture uses VpnService provided by Android OS. Captured data are saved as a PCAP file format in the external storage.
As you can tell from the name itself, tPacketCapture is a simple app to capture packets and data transferred over your network. Since tPacketCapture works by creating its own local VPN, it works equally on both rooted and non-rooted devices.
The good thing about the tPacketCapture app is that it stores all the captured data in a PCAP file so that you can use powerful desktop tools like Wireshark for detailed analysis.
Download APK link to here — tPacketCapture
20) ApkInspector
APKinspector is another open source project that comes to reverse and analyze Android applications. Project owners have created a graphical interface to allow visualizing the structure of the application modules this will make security analysts select the good Android application that is safe to use.
APKinspector can be a good addition to the toolbox you use for forensics malware. This will help to generate reports for permissions used by the application, Search and filter strings, classes and methods , rename users and more.
Features of ApkInspector App:
- Call Graph
- Static Instrumentation
- Permission Analysis
- Dalvik codes
- Smali codes
- Java codes
- APK Information
Download APK link to here — ApkInspector
That’s all, In this article, we have explained Top Hacking Apps for Android – Free Hacking APKs For 2022. If you like this article, then just share it and then do subscribe to email alerts for Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, Internet, Firewall and Security, CCTV tutorials. If you have any questions or doubts about this article, please comment.